Saturday, June 12, 2010

BeFunky Tutorial

Mathew and Ryan did a lesson on BeFunky. Here's the tutorial.

1. If you don't have any pics, go to Google Images at

2. Save it on your computer and remember the pic file name.

3. Go to BeFunky at

4. On the top right corner, click on 'Get Started Free'.

5. Under the 'Sign In' button, highlight 'Upload Photo' and click on 'Upload From PC'.

6. Find the file name from the pic and click 'Open' and wait for the pic to upload.

7. On the left side of the screen, click on the effect you want on your picture. When you click the effect and you see the picture, if it says 'PLUS', you have to be a member of BeFunky.

8. When you're done and you're happy with it, beside the 'Upload' button, highlight 'Save' and click 'To Desktop' . And then click 'Save' again. Find the library you want to save your picture on your computer.

You're done. Hooray!


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